Block Explorer

We use the Blockscout project as a block explorer for Seoul Mainnet and Gwangju Testnet.

What can I do with Block Explorer?

  • Deep Search: Find all the information you need on Blocks, Transactions, Tags and more through the integrated search box.

  • Interact with Contracts: Read and write to contracts directly from the Explorer UI.

  • Verify Contracts: Use Hardhat, Sourcify, and other tools to quickly verify contracts.

  • Make API Calls: Make requests to a robust API using standard and customized endpoints.

  • Customize Views: Use the My Account features to add tags, watchlists and other features.

Key Features

  • Real time transaction tracking: Transactions are updated in real time - no page refresh required. Infinite scrolling is also enabled.

  • Smart contract interaction: Users can read and verify Solidity & Vyper smart contracts and access pre-existing contracts to fast-track development.

  • Token support: Support for ERC20 and ERC721 tokens.

  • Decoded views: Contract method calls and logs are decoded to provide additional information within the UI.

  • Full-featured API: GraphQL provides the opportunity to test API calls directly from a web interface, and RPC methods are well documented.

See BlockScout's documentation for details on how to use it.


Last updated